We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
Children will get lost in their imagination and creativity with this fun and engaging story telling / writing activity. It is a great way to practise creating exciting stories, thinking carefully about describing characters and settings.
The children must select one of each card (character, lives, problem, & solution) and base their stories around each of the cards. The children will absolutely love it!
We have used this very successfully for a few days worth of lessons. The children spend the first lesson playing with the cards and enjoying telling stories. They then choose four cards, stick them in their books, and do a big write based on those cards they have chosen.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we have!
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A fun interactive PowerPoint designed to give your class an introduction into the wonderful world of poetry. This PowerPoint will teach your children the technical vocabulary, creative language used, and different poetry forms.
- Slides 1 - 4: What is poetry
- Slides 5 – 7: Vocabulary
- Slides 8 – 26: Simile, personification, or metaphor game
- Slides 27 – 36: Poetry forms
- Slide 37 – Scrapbook follow up
This PowerPoint goes hand in hand with our Poetry Scrap book. Check it out in our store or via the link in our preview.
Perfect to be used as a phonics station, these fun puzzles are great for your early readers to practice recognising initial sounds (A-Z) by pairing the letter with the initial sound picutre. This pack contains 5 puzzles (both in color and black & white background) which can be differentiated by students working in pairs or completing the puzzle with adult support. Be sure to laminate these puzzles so you can use them for years to come!
**Contents: **
5 x Tarsia puzzles (color and black & white background)
Check out our other Tarsia Puzzles for Early Years
Animal Phonics
Colour Matching Freebie
Letter Matching Uppercase and Lowercase
Dice Addition (1-15)
Counting to 10 - Number Recognition
These outdoor parts of speech verb task cards are a great way to get students recognizing and using action verbs. The activity works nicely as a starter or plenary to your verbs lesson and is designed to get students taking part in physical activity while learning about verbs.
Put the class into pairs and give each a sentence card. One of the pair must read the sentence and point to / circle the verb, if their partner agrees they are correct, they must do the instruction given on the card.
Once they’ve done it, they can swap their card with somebody else and let their partner have a turn. It’s good to let each pair go through a handful of cards before stopping the activity. If they are unsure of the correct answer, make sure they ask an adult for help before completing the instruction.
This pack contains differentiated card levels.
Green cards = Diff. 1 (1 verb per card).
Blue cards = Diff. 2 (2 or more verbs per card).
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This is a fun and active way to get students thinking carefully about the difference between facts and opinions as part of your non-fiction texts topic. This resource contains animal and space themed task cards which the students need to sort into facts and opinions.
There are two activities we enjoy using the cards for.
Activity 1: Put students into teams of 4 or 5. In an open space, designate an area for facts and an area for opinions. Give each team a pack of cards and make them stand a good distance away from the designated fact / opinion areas (15 meters works nicely). Each team must take the top card and decide whether it’s a fact or opinion. Then one player must run and place the card in the correct zone before running back to their team. Once they’re back at their team they can discuss the next card and the next player can run to put it in the correct zone. Do this until all of the cards are in the correct zones.
Activity 2: Designate an area for facts and an area for opinions (two sides of a playground work well). As you read out the task cards the students must decide whether it’s a fact or opinion and run to the correct area. If you want to turn this into a game, the last student to the correct zone is out.
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This space themed activity gets your children thinking carefully about the difference between facts and opinions and is perfect for this non-fiction text topic.
This is a no-prep cut and stick activity where students will read the statement, decide if it’s a fact or opinion, and stick it in the correct column.
This pack has a fun space theme with graphics for each statement.
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Can you have an outdoor learning area without a mud kitchen? These fun labels are the perfect addition for your mud kitchens. Simply print them out, laminate, and stick them around your mud kitchen. Each label comes with a helpful visual to aid those early readers and EAL students.
This pack contains 29 labels as well as an editable version for you to create your own. Click here for the editable version.
You may also like our ‘Mud Kitchen Recipe Cards’.
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This phonics phase 3 activity can add some good variety to your sessions. It will give the students loads of practice at decoding words and recognizing the sounds within words.
For this activity students will head outside on the hunt for word cards before taking them back and placing the on the correct sound map. This resource contains phonics phase 3 sounds.
Check out our ‘Match The Sound Phase 2’ activity.
Check out our Phase 2 - 5 Phonics Handwriting / Spelling Dice Game BUNDLE.
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This phonics phase 2 activity can add some good variety to your sessions. It will give the students loads of practice at decoding words and recognizing the sounds within words.
For this activity students will head outside on the hunt for word cards before taking them back and placing the on the correct sound map. This resource contains phonics phase 2 sounds.
Check out our Phase 2 - 5 Phonics Handwriting / Spelling Dice Game BUNDLE.
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Dive into the 2024 Olympic Games with this engaging reading comprehension passage and questions!
This passage explores the rich history of the Olympic Games and what’s to come at the exciting 2024 Paris Games. After reading, students will answer differentiated questions. Some questions will test their understanding of the text (explicit information), while others will require them to infer meaning by drawing conclusions (implicit information).
The resource contains one passage along with two differentiated question sets.
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For this instructions writing activity students will create a treasure hunt for their partner to follow. They will hide an object (name tag, stone with their initials on, etc.) and create a set of instructions to guide their partner to their object from a designated starting point.
Teaching structure:
Share different examples of instructions with your students. Get them to spot any key features. You may want to do a lesson on imperative verbs before this session.
Explain that they are going to hide an object and create a set of instructions for to get from the designated starting point (that you can decide) to their object.
Once they’ve written their instructions they can swap with their partner and see if they can follow them to find the hidden treasure.
This activity is perfect for introducing instruction writing, but can also be a great activity to link in with your measuring math topic.
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This summer-themed word scavenger hunt is a fantastic filler activity or a great choice for home learning, suitable for both indoor and outdoor settings! Students will race to find as many items as possible that start with each letter of the word “summer” to complete the table.
You may also be interested in our other summer filler activities:
- Summer Word Search
- Summer Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
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The “Our Woodland Adventure Recount” template guides your young explorers through the memorable moments of their trip to the woods as they use our template to re-live their woodland adventure as they write their recounts.
This template help to develop writing proficiency, creativity and memory recall while providing a platform for them to share the key moments from their trip with friends and family.
This resource contains one template only.
Click here to download our full pack of three differentiated woodland recount templates.
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It’s time for a Christmas themed outdoor scavenger hunt! This simple activity will get your students exploring the outdoors while they find items that start with each letter of the word ‘Christmas’. This activity is perfect as a brain break, extension, or fun Christmas party activity.
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This video comprehension takes a look at the ozone layer and its depletion. Your students will watch a video where they will learn about what the ozone layer is as well as what is damaging it and the issues that this has on life on Earth before answering a set of questions about what they’ve just seen.
This pack contains 3 levels of differentiation as well as an extension activity where they will draw a diagram to show how the ozone layer works.
What is video comprehension?
Our video comprehension series is designed to facilitate the learning of those students who find reading tricky. It allows them to access the same level of learning without the need to read large amounts of information as they will watch a video on the topic rather than reading large amounts of text. We have found it especially helpful with our SEN students.
Each set is differentiated three times. With the first level of differentiation requiring them to simply circle the correct answers.
These worksheets work best if each student has their own device as they can re-watch parts of the video to find the correct answers. However if you don’t have one device per students or pair we have done this with great success by having the video on repeat on the board / tv at the front of the classroom.
These activities are also perfect for home and distance learning.
We are constantly expanding our range of video comprehension worksheets so be sure to check back frequently for new resources.
Check out our other video comprehension packs:
- Compost
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Get your students involved with this drawing scavenger hunt where they’ll head outside to see if they can find and draw all the items on the sheet. It’s great if you’re looking at your local area, wildlife, and observation skills. You can also use this activity to help introduce habitats.
This resource contains a few different activity sheets that allow you to differentiate based on the things they are required to find.
It’s great if you can have a discussion about the scavenger hunt after they’ve completed it. What did they enjoy drawing the most? What did they find exciting to see? What were they surprised they saw?
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Debating is a great way to get students thinking creatively about persuasive language. For this activity students will go and find the most interesting item they can from your outdoor space and write a list of points as to why their item is the best using their persuasive language techniques.
Once they have put together a strong argument they can then get into groups of 3 or 4 and have a debate about whose item is the best. As an extension, you could then turn their arguments into a piece of persuasive writing.
This is a fantastic and fun activity to encourage the use of persuasive language, especially for your reluctant writers.
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Wild story telling is a great way to let your students’ imaginations run wild as they use natural items they find in your outdoor space to plan and tell their very own wild story. It’s perfect if you’re looking at descriptive language or as a stimulus before they begin to write down their own stories. For this activity they will head outside and collect 6 items that will be used within their story. These items could be imagined into anything from characters in their stories to powerful magical items. Encourage them to collect varied items as this will help when planning their stories.
Once they’ve got their 6 items they can either tape or draw one item per box on the activity sheet. They must now think about what their item could be within their story. You can either get them to include the items in chronological order or allow them to use them randomly within the story. Once they’ve planned their story they can get into small groups and use their activity sheet and items to help them as they tell their wild story to others.
This activity is designed to be done verbally while in your outdoor area. They can plan their stories either individually or in pairs.
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This is a great resource to introduce or recap rhyming that can be used in a variety of ways. This pack contains 32 rhyming pairs with visual prompts on each card.
**Outdoor Activity – **Rhyming pairs hunt (whole class or small groups). Cut out and laminate the cards. Hide them around your outdoor space. Get the students to go find as many rhyming pairs as they can. To extend this activity you could get them to write a short poem or sentence using the rhyming pairs that they’ve found.
**Memory Pairs **(in pairs or small groups). Put the cards face down spread out on the table or floor. Taking it in turns, the students will flip over two cards. If they find a rhyming pair they take the cards and have another go, if not then the cards get turned facedown and the next player tries to find a pair.
**Match The Pairs **(individual or pairs). This is a very simple but effective activity where students will simply match the cards with their correct rhyming pair.
Autumn is a wonderful time of year where there are a lot of changes happening. This can be a fantastic opportunity to look at poetry and description. These lessons will get your students looking descriptive language and adjectives to describe the world around them through an acrostic poem.
They will look at adjectives and other descriptive techniques to describe autumn before writing their own acrostic poems.
Part 1: Get the students to go outside to find the most interesting leaf they can. They will then stick the leaf in the middle of the worksheet and write adjectives / descriptive phrases around the outside to describe the leaf.
Part 2: This lesson is all about thinking of adjectives and descriptive phrases to describe Autumn. They must find somewhere outside (ideally around trees) and use their descriptive language techniques to describe the changes happening in autumn.
Part 3: It’s now time for the students to write their acrostic poems using the descriptive language they’ve been looking at. This pack contains a few different poem templates for them to use.
Love teaching outdoors?
Check out our year of outdoor home learning challenges here.
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